Saturday, February 4, 2012

Muslims Petition Attorney General For NYPD Probe

This article is about the Muslim American's petition to the Attorney General to resolve the threat that the NYPD has posted on their lives. There is a report that has surfaced that depicts the discriminatory practices of the New York police department towards Muslims in America. Although the department is taking serious measures towards keeping America safe there training and practice of focusing on residential Muslims reflects racially profiling. Their spying on this race of people came from the secret report called “U.S Iran Conflict: The threat to New York” which suggested that they expand their investigation and focus on mosques in New York. As a protector of the New York society the NYPD has a good amount of  reason to keep its eyes open for any suspicious things within that community because of the events of 9/11 but I do not believe they should focus their attention on imposing on the lives of this group.  The approach that the NYPD is taking is very inflicting. It is putting innocent Muslims in the category of terrorist which is unfair. BBC news has posted a video that displays the Muslim respond to this issue. The conference that they held served the purpose of encouraging peace and understanding of the Muslim community as not a threat to New York.
   They have petition for there to be an investigation of the NYPD because they feel that the department is not trustworthy and that their investigation lack credibility. With no response from the office of the police department on this issue, their innocent in this matter of discrimination is to be questioned.
   My opinion on this article has been stated in the first half of this post but I also have a separate opinion on this whole issue. The police departments in general usually form taskforces that pay firm attention to individuals and sometimes groups that they find threatening to society. The whole issue of Muslims wanting the NYPD to be investigated on the accusations of spying within their mosques should not be taken seriously. I say that because terrorist threats in America is an ongoing issue and if the department has token the proper measures to protect the larger population then there is no need to advertise that they are taking these precautions. I think that Muslim should realize that their lives is not in any way private because the government imposes on its citizens in some way and that this supposed discrimination happens to any group or person viewed as a threat. So live with it and continue to prove your belief of being a peaceful group which could eliminate the investigation and profiling.


  1. On the issue of Police Profiling……American citizens who just so happe4n to be Muslim or parishioners of the Islamic faith, I must agree with the sentiment of the blogger. However, racial profiling is nothing new in America. As an African American male, my people have been the subject of an ongoing war against our liberties through various means to include Racially Motivated Police action. The greater question that should be posed to the perpetrators of this criminal action that violates the Law of God, is “Why”?
    America, since its founding has been built on the blood and suffering of innocence. The founders proclaimed Liberty, Freedom, and the pursuit of Happiness, as their chief goals when establishing this nation. Yet, they had no intention of actually providing these rights to all men, only to those of Anglo-Saxon heritage and Protestant ideology. Maybe there is a threat from the Islamic Community. But, the real root of American paranoia is in the Anglo Saxon inferiority complex that is so prevalent in America. They have told a lie for so long that facing reality is frightening. This lie in which I refer to is that by Divine Right and Favor, the individuals who are White and who are of Anglo Protestant heritage are superior to all other individuals, either because of race, ethnicity or belief. In other words, if an individual chooses to believe anything other than the Christian Protestant Doctrine, they are inferior and in then therefore an enemy of this tyrannical establishment.

  2. On the issue of Police Profiling……American citizens who just so happe4n to be Muslim or parishioners of the Islamic faith, I must agree with the sentiment of the blogger. However, racial profiling is nothing new in America. As an African American male, my people have been the subject of an ongoing war against our liberties through various means to include Racially Motivated Police action. The greater question that should be posed to the perpetrators of this criminal action that violates the Law of God, is “Why”?
    America, since its founding has been built on the blood and suffering of innocence. The founders proclaimed Liberty, Freedom, and the pursuit of Happiness, as their chief goals when establishing this nation. Yet, they had no intention of actually providing these rights to all men, only to those of Anglo-Saxon heritage and Protestant ideology. Maybe there is a threat from the Islamic Community. But, the real root of American paranoia is in the Anglo Saxon inferiority complex that is so prevalent in America. They have told a lie for so long that facing reality is frightening. This lie in which I refer to is that by Divine Right and Favor, the individuals who are White and who are of Anglo Protestant heritage are superior to all other individuals, either because of race, ethnicity or belief. In other words, if an individual chooses to believe anything other than the Christian Protestant Doctrine, they are inferior and in then therefore an enemy of this tyrannical establishment.

  3. The whole issue about the NYPD spying on Muslims, doesn't surprise me at all, because since 9/11 Muslims have been looked at as a threat to this country and many others. Yes it is weird feeling of being spyed around, but i look at it as a "curse of being Muslim". There are two arguments that can be made here. One, that following and spying on Muslims and their mosques will only call for retaliation, it might infuriate some of the Muslims and they will eventually turn into a threat and will be called terrorists.But the difference is that the terrorists were created by the American Police because of their behavior.But i don't blame them because they are protecting this country at the end of the day. Second argument, can be that we should not racially profile only Muslims, because it is against the law to discriminate. But do those laws apply to Cops? African American and Hispanics, Cubans have been spyed around for years because of their connection to violence and crime and drug why are Muslims concerned? This country has a history of racism and discrimination and segregation and slavery.So American Muslims have nothing to worry about.

  4. Where you draw the line. Are Italians a part of the mafia? The Japanese yakuza? The whites KKK? Are Christians bombers and snipers? African Americans gang bangers and the Latinos cartel? An inclusive society promotes security through common interest but when you set your aim on one particular religious body, I have to wonder when you'll target me. Seems like a bad idea to me and I feel it will only harm the relationship that they have with the Muslim community. In a recent report I read, it is said that around half of all terrorist attacks on the US were thwarted by information from the American Muslim community. Is this a relationship that we want to ruin?
