Monday, March 12, 2012

Reporting by Philip Pullella; Editing by Robert Woodward)
       Before reading this article you may find yourself developing negative assumptions towards the Vatican because of the title "Vatican Makes Money Laundering List of U.S. State Department" written by Philip Pullella. Most times reporters create a catchy title in order to capture the reader's attention before actual grasp of the context of such articles. Before assuming let’s look at the text to gather  proper understanding.
         This article presents the issue of possible corruption in religious groups, especially those that hold very important roles in public life. What I am proposing is that the reader identify with the actions that the Vatican church officials take in this case in order to comply with international standards in prevention of this sort of corruption; aside from making blindsided assumptions and resent the Vatican.
       In this article there seems to be less of an issue but more of a presentation of the Vatican’s historical involvement in the affairs of the U.S State Department’s money-laundering list. Apparently the Vatican has found itself on the list in the category of ‘of concern’. Although it may not have been of high risk concern it does put a dent in social perception of the righteousness of religious institutions. What I am referring to is the role that religion plays in society in reference to what is good or bad behavior. According to Was America Founded as a Christian Nation and We Have a Religion, religion is influential on the definition of morality in societal acceptance of groups; the Vatican should hold no exception in displaying moral behavior.
   Generally, the Vatican has tried to cover up its bad blood from their past but it has also set up a new system for open communication of the transactions between the Vatican and the Vatican Bank to eliminate vulnerability to money launderers. The Vatican has made an effort to comply with the international standards against financial crimes.  As a human being and associated with such a successful money producing field it’s easy to assume that there is some dishonesty or possible corruption  within this institution but this report introduces what I find as positive assertion to this issue.
    What is unique about this article is that the reporter presents this issue that includes the Vatican and the legal issues behind being placed on the list of money-laundering of the U.S State Department. I find that the effort the Vatican takes with details surrounding what they did in the past and what they are doing now were greatly expressed in this article. It is unique because most people do use the title to steer their train of thought before reading all the text and this one seems to be tricky in relating its information.

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